World Wide Sexier than a Squirrel Challenge

World Wide Sexier than a Squirrel Challenge
I have a fantastic opportunity for you to get involved with a newly updated training programme affectionately named “The Sexier Than a Squirrel Challenge!”
It’s a roadmap of your next 25 (with extra bonus content added it is now 30) days to take you from where you are right now to that day that your dog chooses you over…
... the squirrel
… the half-eaten hamburger
… the other dog
It is dog training HOMESCHOOLING
How it works?
Each day for 30 days you get to work through a video from Absolute Dogs that demonstrates a game that builds engagement (and each game has been specifically picked to be played at home!) such that when you next encounter that squirrel (other dog, horse etc), you are READY!
The challenge will include invitation to join my private facebook group the Faithful Friends Tribe to receive further coaching and tips for me and there is a separate Sexier than a Squirrel private group run by Absolute Dogs on Facebook to connect you with the rest of the world who are undertaking the training. This is going to be a worldwide movement!
You can join anytime and get all the teaching!
This is a complete training programme and you will get lifetime access to this course. I can offer this to you for the current special price of just £27 (No other AD course is available at this price).
NOW there are 30 days of games videos - this works out at under £1 per day… AND IT IS LIFETIME ACCESS to the videos… Let’s do this!