How Our Games based dog training works
I just wanted to pop in here and give you some dog training inspiration and some explanations of how the style of dog training we deliver at Faithful Friends works... (and why it gets such real life results!)
Let's start with a BRIEF History of Dog Training:
FIRST there was The AVERSIVE Approach: Stop (punish) what you Don’t Want the Dog to do.
SECONDLY came the REWARD BASED Approach: Reward what you do want
NOW there is another approach and that is the way we train at Faithful Friends: It's the GAMES BASED Concept Training Approach – It's positive, It is rewarding, and it gets real life results!
We Train FOR the problem – NOT WITHIN IT
What are CONCEPTS? And - What is concept training?
CONCEPTS are things like Calmness, Confidence, Focus, Optimism, Proximity, Novelty, Self Control, Tolerance of frustration, Disengagement, Thinking in fear or excitement, Flexibility, Grit
IN LIFE... Something happens >> The DOG perceives it >> And then there is an outcome...
BOTH Physiological (releasing stress or happy chemicals in the brain) and Behaviours
So if Dog is pessimistic in their perception of an event, the outcome might be fearful, stressed led
If Dog is optimistic - the outcome is happy, peaceful, calm
A LOT of conventional dog training tries to CHANGE the OUTCOME
(eg: SIT instead of barking and lunging at the dog approaching)
At Faithful Friends: WE work on the PERCEPTION
We change their Minds! – Help the dog to feel differently so they react differently
Remember the chain of events for any situation is:
We have a saying: Control the Controlable!
We probably can't change the event...
Which WILL change the OUTCOME.
If you are training IN the situation you are using FORCE because you are FORCING the dog to be in its fearful unhappy place... (reward based trainers may call themselves “force free” because they use rewards – but making the dog remain in a situation they can’t handle is a form of forcing them)...
Using GAMES we work to change the way the dog thinks about things
WE PLAY GAMES at home – Away from a situation.
PERCEPTIONS ARE CHANGING – so the outcomes change.
WE call ourselves "GAMECHANGERS" - because we change the dogs thinking through GAMES
This has the added benefit of being fun and rewarding so it is strengthening the relationship between Dog and human too!
If you want to learn more – Let me know. There are several ways you can dive deep into games based concept training and learn more for yourself – so please do get in contact and I will let you know what open opportunities are available.
AND If you want to go ALL IN and grab a whole load of learning for yourself the Pro Dog Trainer Course has just opened for a week (entry closes 8th July). All the teaching is delivered online and you have a year to complete the course.
This isn’t just for prospective dog trainers, it is great for just learning more deeply to deal with your own dog and helping your friends with their dogs... but it is also fabulous if you are thinking about making your dog passion your career... Dog walking , grooming, boarding, training etc - Follow this link if you are interested:
The strange times we live in invite us to try something different - if you have ever wondered about making a change to the direction of dog behaviour and training you will find amazing support and all round training by taking up this opportunity. PDT Course will close for new students on 8th July as the focus then becomes on welcoming and leading the new students through the training programme.
Before I sign out - HERE IS A REALLY SIMPLE EXAMPLE of how Games based Concept training works...
Why you might want to play it: Grows OPTIMISM in your dog and helps avoid resource guarding issues
When dog has a nice chew or kong or bowl of food to eat from... (sometimes) walk over and drop a HIGH VALUE item next to their chew or into the bowl and walk away…
(Don’t expect dog to step back at the beginning as they won’t know why you have come over - dog will grow into that naturally at their own speed)
Don't do it slowly... just walk over, drop something like a chunk of plain chicken into the bowl (or next to the chew) and walk away.
This shows dog that you approaching the bowl or chew toy brings only good things - nothing to be pessimistic about there!
If you play this at home (not every time they have something yummy but fairly often = several times week)
One day you might be out on a walk and your dog has found a dead bird a cat left in the field (thanks cat!) As you approach to see what your dog is holding and hoping to remove it... your dog will not be pessimistic about your approach. They have learned that you approaching when they have something yummy will only ADD and not take away from the fun!
In this instance you are likely to want to take the bird away - IDEALLY you should always have a few nice treats with you to SWAP for the dead bird... and if I were in the situation i would put dog oj lead so he doesn't return to the bird but I would also PLAY some games so that the whole experience becomes extra REWARDING.
The Main thing is that the DOG doesn't see you coming towards them as punishing - they expect only GOOD things from your approach.
Hopefully you can see from this example that PLAYING GAMES at HOME to TRAIN the Dogs BRAIN and change perceptions gives REAL LIFE RESULTS!
Have fun with your Dog - Play games - GROW BRAINS!
And if you want some more games to be playing with your dog take a look at my online games based courses:
PUPPY PACKAGE = Everything you need from day 1 at home with puppy!
SOCIALISATION COURSE = 21 Games to build OPTIMISM, CONFIDENCE and DISENGAGEMENT (Same games are suitable to grow these concepts in any age dog)
SEXIER THAN A SQUIRREL COURSE = 25 games (plus 5 extra free) to build concepts that help the Dog find YOU more INTERESTING than EVERYTHING ELSE in the environment - great for strengthen recall!
All the best
LOOK at that FOCUS - Games based Concept training works!